Bringing A Message of Hope

From The Pastor's Desk

Bible Study Cancelled (03.18.20)

“Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God” (Romans 13: 1 - NLT).

We are closely monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic and we are following the recommendations of the City of New Orleans as it relates to public gatherings and social distancing. As a result, this upcoming Wednesday night Bible Study will be cancelled. We do ask; however, that you have a Bible Study at home with your family during this time. Submission to authority is not the absence of faith, but it is the presence of wisdom and faith that our governing authorities are operating in way that places the safety of its citizens first. We will keep you updated as things are changing on minute-by-minute basis. 

We love each and every last one of you all. Take care of yourself and others. Also, add more fruits and vegetables to your diet (These items will boost your immune system) | Reduce stress | Walk around in your house.

Official steps to take to prevent illness: Wash hands frequently | Use hand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol) | Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth | Practice social distance | Stay home if sick | Cover coughs and sneezes (inside elbow or use tissue) | Wear facemask if sick | Wear facemask if caring for someone who is sick | Clean AND disinfect frequently touched surfaces | 

Websites to follow for additional information: | |

Social media accounts to follow: @cityofnola | @nolaready

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